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Engaging our Health & Aged Care Sectors

At Full Circle we have a network of highly trained and compassionate End-of-life Doulas who can offer a multitude of end of life support services not only for individuals but for health and aged care service providers.


We work alongside existing medical models of care, align with palliative care and hospice organisations, and support those who wish to explore Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD), organ donation and holistic funeral provision.


We offer:


  • End of life education and support for Local Area Health Services (LHDs), support Primary Health Networks (PHN's), private and public health service organisations and aged care providers.  Full Circle can deliver end of life education to increase capacity of your existing care workforce.


  • An end of life workforce who can be engaged directly to work with established service providers to undertake direct care of patients and residents at end of life.   


Please reach out should you wish to inquire about our doula led resources and end of life education services.

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