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End of Life Planning

We meticulously plan every important milestone in life.

Those preparations are thorough.

End of life could be our biggest milestone yet.  


Lets get this right.​

Why don't we plan?

We don't plan very well, because we don't talk.​ And we don't talk because we are fearful.


We are afraid to discuss potential loss because we worry about how others might react, and our own heartfelt distress at the very thought. â€‹â€‹â€‹


​Its time to talk 


The time to talk is not in the moment of death.


​The time to talk is outside of that emotional intensity.


The best communication will come from the heart of a connected family, a friendship, when together - its open and deliberate.


Open planning helps us to remain connected during the moments that surround the passing of a loved one. 


​It prepares us, preventing anguish over uncertainty about wishes and what to expect when you die. By having these meaningful discussions now, you can prevent worries and avoid potential conflict later on.

When serious illness makes it difficult to communicate, written instructions let your family know your wishes. Planning ahead takes the burden off challenging times. Documenting your directives give your family reassurance that difficult decisions align with your preferences.


With empathy and care, we will thoughtfully collaborate to develop your end of life plans.

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What's most important to YOU?

  • ​​Appointing someone to make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. We will ensure your affairs are in order.

  • Talking with your family about your end of life wishes. We can help guide you and advocate your decisions.

  • Exploring Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) should you wish. We have trained VAD signatories on staff and can support referral.

  • Deciding who you would like with you in your final moments.

  • If you wish to die at home, we can coordinate and support your network.

  • Incorporating meaningful, cultural, religious, spiritual or family traditions that hold importance to you.

  • Creating a sacred, personalised experience with specific wishes catered for.

  • Discussing preferences for your body's care after death. We can guide you through all options.

  • Exploring funeral planning which may include sustainable burial, family led or home-based funeral, or a more traditional approach. We will support you to consider your options.​​


Please reach out if there is anything you require that is uniquely personal or important to you. We can help.




Full Circle will support you in end of life planning,  and gently advocate your choices in conversation with your people.  It is important that you feel empowered and supported to achieve the best end of life care in line with your values, needs and preferences. 

This is an intimate and highly personal experience. 


Please contact us to discuss what is important to you and your family.


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